42) August 27, 2009 ~ Fooled by the Media on August 27, 2009 Chapter: "Prologue"Characters: Ananszi └ Tags: African folklore, African stories, Anansi, groceries, impartiality, Justice Sotomayor, Latina, shopping cart, Sonia Sotomayor, Spanish, spider, Supreme Court, television, wisdom, wise Latina Comment
41) August 20, 2009 ~ “On the BENCH, That’s Where!” on August 20, 2009 Chapter: "Prologue"Characters: Ananszi └ Tags: African folktales, African stories, Anansi, Barack Obama, birth certificate, bus schedule, bus stop, Democrat, Justice Sotomayor, Kenya, Obama, Republican, Sonia Sotomayor, spider, Supreme Court, Tea Party, town hall, wisdom, wisdom received, wise, wise Latina Comment